And, at this point now, I am rather at a loss as to my direction. As I see it, there are two pretty obvious choices I can make, though they are starkly different: I can choose to find another Zelda game worthy of exploration and analysis (though many of the earlier games would be almost impossible to analyze meaningfully), or I can simply sit back and wait for Breath of the Wild. In my opinion, analyzing the major console games was always going to be the purpose of this website, simply because I connect more with those games - they are generally richer, more thoughtful, and more well-conceived than many of the handheld games, which are more geared toward informal, on-the-go play; because of this, they almost all lack depth or substance. Perhaps that is a controversial statement (one could argue that A Link Between Worlds breaks with that trend), but it is, generally speaking, how I feel.
If anyone has comments on this, or suggestions as to where to go from here, please do let me know. I am also not opposed to revisiting the games I've already covered - especially if I have missed something critical or interesting.
My best on this cold day,