Thanks for your continued support, comments, views, and patience.
I simply must apologize for my lack of consistency in creating new content for this site. I have been terribly busy as of late (with a recent move, graduate school, work, volunteering, gardening, and all those other little things humans must do in order to survive), and have failed to give an appropriate amount of time to one of my biggest passions. That said, I hope to have the next article (The Fire Sanctuary) published on both this site and my tumblr ( within two weeks. Hold me to that.
Thanks for your continued support, comments, views, and patience. Warmly, Talbot
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The universe of The Legend of Zelda is replete with multifarious architectural oddities, beautiful and resonating structures, and ineffably-mysterious temples hidden in the remote corners of the world. It is my hope to explore said places, shedding light upon some of their salient features, and fulfilling the goals laid out by the introduction, the main goal of which is to help people understand and appreciate the unspoken, yet deeply-felt, allure of these locations and structures. Archives
November 2024