It's been a while, hasn't it? I've been as busy as I've ever been this semester, which has left precious little time for Zelda. (I have been spending my scant free time reading Hesse and Eliot and playing Oracle of Seasons/Ages.) All that being the case, I have finally finished my Tears of the Kingdom review (which has kindly been helped along by a few of my friends). The review is very long, but I'm happy with it. The game took me a long while to complete, and the review took a commensurate amount of time. I have tried to approach the game fair-mindedly, with a clear eye to the game's excesses, failings, and achievements. You'll have to be the judge of my judgments, of course.
Unrelatedly, I was looking into some statistics for my website to see what was being read. The most popular articles for the past month were the Shadow Temple (278 unique views), Gerudo Town and the Great Desert (156 views), Monster Strongholds (140), A Thematic Unmasking of Majora's Mask (123, which surprised me), and Zora's Domain (105). This has always been the case, but Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild articles always seem to sit at the top. In eighth place, we have Twilight Princess (The Palace of Twilight), and yet farther down are the Arbiter's Grounds. No sign of The Wind Waker or Skyward Sword at all, and no mention of riddles! I'm not sure what this says, but I hope that's of slight interest to anyone.
Also, this year for Linktober's Zelda Creator Con, I was considering doing a Q&A session where people could pop in and . . . ask me questions. Let me know if there's any interest in that.
I hope you're all well.
- Talbot